Final Report Information
These final reports provide a rich archive of student research and reveal to the campus community and beyond the impressive breadth and depth of Bowdoin students’ research.
Final reports are also often shared with the donors whose generous contributions made these research experiences possible.
* Please note: All summer fellows are expected to use the template provided below except for Maine Space Grant recipients, who are required to use a separate template provided by the Maine Space Grant Consortium.

We offer a sample final report template here. Because we would like these summaries to have a uniform look, please follow these guidelines:
- Limit your report to one page.
- Use Times New Roman, at least 11 pt font;
- Have at least ½” margins on the right and left;
- Use single-spaced paragraphs;
- Center and bold your project title (upper and lower case) at the top of the page;
- Beneath your project title, center and bold your name, followed by your class year (e.g., Cindy Stocks, Class of 2019);
- Below your name, provide a project summary understandable to someone outside of your discipline;
- If applicable, include graphs, images, figures;
- Below your project summary, bold and left justified, write “Faculty Mentor:” and include your mentor’s name;
- Below your faculty mentor’s name, bold and left justified, write “Funded by the” and include the official name of your fellowship; and
- If applicable, include any references.
Research fellows should electronically submit their final reports in PDF format to Gina Pappas in the Office of Student Fellowships and Research.